AIPA has decided to cancel the RosterSMS support contract. That contract gave free Roster Calendar subscriptions to AIPA members. This is part of a wider cost reduction effort required by the massive drop in AIPA membership fees.

This only relates to the Roster Calendar service, it does not affect the Open Time Alert service.

The Roster Calendar service is still available, but will be a direct payment subscription. (Same as before AIPA's involvement.) The new price will be a single yearly fee of $35 - this is less than $3 per month. Check with your accountant if it is tax deductible.

When you change to a paid subscription, you do NOT have to change anything on your iPad or other devices. Your user name does not change.

If you choose not to start a paid subscription, thank you for using the system. Your support has been most appreciated.


What is happening?

AIPA has stopped paying for your Roster Calendar subscription (effective 11 Sep 2020).

What can I do?

Log on to the RosterSMS website and start a paid Roster Calendar subscription (Check with your accountant if tax deductible)

What happens to the calendar on my devices?

Nothing changes on your devices. Your new subscription does NOT require configuration changes on your devices.

What happens if I do nothing?

Your previous flight events will remain in the calendar, but future events will not be updated.

What should I do to keep Roster Calendar?

Start a paid Roster Calendar subscription on the RosterSMS website. No configuration change on your devices is necessary.