Open Time Alerts

How do I suspend/restart my subscription?

Any subscription can be suspended and restarted as required.

  1. On the main menu click on Subscriptions.
  2. Click on View next to each Active subscription and find the Product you wish suspend.
  3. Go to Actions and click the Suspend option.
To restart the subscription, click the Reactivate button that replaced the Suspend button.

Why do I get rosters emailed at strange times?

RosterSMS forwards your roster to your email address whenever Qantas sends a roster to the system.

Qantas will send a roster whenever a change occurs on your roster. This includes a 15-4 call in and whenever viewing your rosters results in a "Cleared" entry being added to your roster.

If you do not wish to receive these emails, you can turn off this feature on the Calendar Settings page, see Calendar Setup

I’m receiving Open time alerts for the wrong fleet!

The RosterSMS system determines your fleet automatically by examining your roster. This allows the system to automatically change your rank without any effort from the user.

Follow the instructions at to set up WebCIS to send your roster automatically. Also, use the WebCIS "Send My Roster" to send a one-off update to RosterSMS to update the system immediately.

The RosterSMS system will automatically forward your roster to your email address.

Unfortunately, Qantas can be slow to change your rank within the ARMS system.

If you receive alerts for the wrong fleet/rank AND Qantas have not updated your rank in WebCIS:

  1. Email RosterSMS support with full details of your new rank/fleet (There is now a temporary work-around).

Why did I not get an Opentime SMS Alert?

If the system didn't send an SMS alert for a trip that you know is in Opentime, please check the following possibilities:

  1. Your Opentime Alert subscription has lapsed => check your Subscriptions
  2. You were on a trip => system does not alert you when you are on a trip
  3. You were on leave => check your Opentime Alert Options
  4. The system does not have an up to date copy of your roster => see How do I send my roster

If the above checks do not help, please email support with the tripcode, trip departure date and the date and time you saw the trip in Open Time. (As always, include your username and staff number.)

Can I get Open Time Alerts for more than one base?

You can have multiple subscriptions to the Open Time Alert service.

On the Settings page for Opentime you set the base for Open Time Alerts.

After you start the 2nd subscription, a 2nd selection box appears.

You can subscribe to a maximum of 4 bases.

How does the Quiet Time option on Opentime Alerts work?

During the specified period the system will not send any Opentime Alerts via SMS. Any trips that the system held back during your Quiet Time will be sent at the end of your specified Quiet Time – assuming they are still in Opentime.

NOTE: The times are configured as  SYDNEY LOCAL TIME.

You can change your configured start and end times in your Settings - Opentime page.

Why didn’t I receive Open time alerts when I was away?

The system checks your roster before sending Open time SMS's.

The Open time subsystem will not send you messages while you are on duty or AL or LSL.

Since some people do want to do trip swapping/etc soon as they are home, it will send messages on the last day of your duty or AL/LSL.

You can request alerts whilst on AL/LSL on the settings page at Settings - Opentime

What information does the Open Time alert include?

Only "Actual" trips departing within the next two calendar days are included in an alert SMS. These are the trips that need your action if you wish to "Early Close" them.

When an Open Time alert SMS is sent it will contain the following:

Departure date, Trip code, Ports, Trip length in days, Total credit.

New Opentime:
20Jul GK06 SYD-BKK-SYD 3 Days 21:50hrs
20Jul ADD03X031 SYD-PER-BNE-SYD 2 Days 11:00hrs

The ports list  includes the starting port and the finishing port, even if  it is the same as your home port.

Trips listed as "Actual"  will be sent. "Pending" trips are not sent. As expected, if a trip changes to "Actual" it will then be sent.

Trips that were listed in Open Time before the 2 day departure window will not be notified. The logic here is that you cannot "Early Close" the trip. There is no advantage to knowing about this trip through the SMS service. (We are looking at an email service to notify new trips in Open Time - email us to vote for this feature.)

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